Monday, May 23, 2011

The End of the World?

So May 21st was supposed to be the end of the world (or the beginning of the end of the world)? As far as I know, not too much happened. From what I've read, Harold Camping's prediction was for the rapture to occur two days ago. Are the believers still here? Did I get left behind? The complete end of the world, however, is supposed to happen on October 21st of this year. This is all quite humorous but the fact is, many people are being seriously misled by this man and his false teachings, and that is no laughing matter. I was driving back from California yesterday and I saw one of these signs:

As I understand it, the only thing the Bible guarantees is this: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of the heaven, nor the son, but the Father alone." - Matthew 24:36.

It's very sad that the picture a lot of people have of Christianity is paranoia, worry, "conspiracy theory," and all of that other junk. At times like this we need to grow in our knowledge of God and His word because although the end of the world may not happen on October 21st, it will happen soon and there are still many people who are unsaved in the world. We should also be finding comfort in the fact that we'll be meeting our Lord very soon. It's important that we are able to answer people's questions about why these earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, wars, etc. are all piling up. I'm getting very excited though! The end of the world means I get to meet my God soon, and that's a fantastic truth that gives me peace.

Whenever I hear about all of this, I can't help but sing "it's the end of the world as we know, and I feel fine..." in my head.


  1. Da mi eshe zdes :B Ya mila posydy i zabila chto bydet konets sveta v sybboty...Bedniye ludi kotorie sideli v pote i ojidanii kontsa i ostalis razocharovannie i nekotorie bez doma ( tak tak prodali vse, navernoe chtobi na nebe kypit sebe dom...) No po nastoyashemy eto ochen pechalno! Soooooooooooooooooo tak kak vse eshe na meste stoit nado na hike poiti cherez sybboty!!! Cause you never know....

  2. Sis, don't you think hiking in heaven will be waaaaaay more picturesque ?!)))) anyway, we should plan on something, yes) as for "may 21st issue" it's sad( I also thought of people who were living in this false hope and if the weren't strong enough in Christ, how dissapointed they will be((( mdyaaaaa(
