Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Few Tips for the Gentleman

While chivalry may be dying, do what you can to keep it alive.
-Be courteous to women! Hold doors open, say hello, walk them to their car, pay for their coffee/food (if you are able to do so). It's okay to be a gentleman and it doesn't always mean you're interested.

It's always better to be over dressed than under dressed.
-Don't be afraid to wear a nice outfit while going out. It's better to go to a casual dinner wearing a shirt and tie only to realize everyone else is in a t-shirt rather than showing up to a semi-formal or formal event in flip-flops and jeans.

Mind your hygiene!
-When leaving the house, make sure you have bathed recently, are wearing deodorant, your teeth are brushed, your clothes are clean, your nails trimmed, and your hair is cleaned up. Cologne is optional, but a little bit of a nice scent is always nice. Don't leave your house looking/smelling like you you're taking a stance against the societal norm for what it means to be presentable, you'll always be on the losing end of this protest.

Learn to speak proper English.
-Try to cut down on the amount of "likes," "dudes," "ums," and anything else that makes you sound like a middle school child with a minor speech impediment when speaking with others. Speak with eloquence, confidence, and in a way that shows you actually have something to say.

Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty.
-While being clean and smelling good is important, being a man who isn't afraid to do some hard work is much more so. Don't shy away from work that will put some sweat on your brow, on the contrary, seek it out! But do make sure to clean yourself up afterwards.

ALWAYS respect your elders.
-Never speak to an older person disrespectfully. While you may not agree with everything they say, being rude or crass makes you appear like a mild-mannered fool. Be courteous, respectful, and polite. You can learn a lot from people who have lived longer than you, and you should always seize the opportunity to spend time with your grandparents if this opportunity is available to you.

More to come in the near future!


  1. haha thank you!!

    also, i think you should mention that a little too much cologne is not too pleasant either :]
